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Office of Contracting and Procurement

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E-Invoicing Module

The objective of the E-Invoicing Module is to standardize invoice processing across District agencies and improve the payment process for vendors doing business with the District of Columbia Government. Buyers, vendors and agency staff will gain several operational and strategic benefits from the new system, including:
  • Increased Quick Payment Act compliance, resulting from more timely vendor payments;
  • Automated, real-time invoice tracking for agency executive teams and agency program staff;
  • Improved reporting capabilities, including alert notifications to staff to ensure the timely review of invoices;
  • Deployed an intuitive, public-facing vendor portal that will allow vendors to access payment information (e.g. what payments have been made and due dates for future payments).
To access the E-Invoicing Module, click here.
To access the Quick Payment Statute, click here.
For technical assistance, please click here.
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