The DC Office of Contracting and Procurement's (OCP) key personnel provide contracting services for agencies/offices in the District.
Executive Management
- Nancy Hapeman (Chief Procurement Officer) - (202) 724-4391
- Marc Scott (Chief Operating Officer) - (202) 724-8759
- Courtney Lattimore (Interim Deputy Chief Procurement Officer) - (202) 299-3967
- Kara Smith (General Counsel) - (202) 724-4365
- Marvin Manassa (Director of Business Resources) - (202) 487-3807
- Courtney Lattimore (Chief Learning Officer) - (202) 299-3967
- Robin Henry (Chief Human Capital Management Officer) - (202) 727-5557
- Cody Leihgeber-Carpenter (Communications Director) - (202) 299-3963
Key Staff
- Bettena Kirkland (Executive Assistant to the CPO) - (202) 724-5262
Key Phone Numbers
- OCP Main Phone Number - (202) 727-0252
- OCP Customer Contact Center - (202) 724-4477 (Option #1)
- OCP IT Help Desk - (202) 724-4477 (Option #2)