Chief Procurement Officer
Nancy Hapeman, a dedicated public servant with a distinguished career in the District of Columbia government, serves as the Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) for the Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP). With over 38 years of experience in various roles within the District government, Ms. Hapeman is well-suited to lead OCP's operations and contribute to the growth and development of the District.
Ms. Hapeman began her career with the District government in 1985 as an assistant corporation counsel for the DC Office of the Corporation Counsel, where she worked for a decade. She then transitioned to the role of assistant general counsel for the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, serving in that capacity for approximately two years.
In November 1997, Ms. Hapeman was appointed General Counsel for OCP, a position she held for 20 years. During her tenure, she provided legal advice to the Chief Procurement Officer and procurement staff, served as both the FOIA Officer and the Ethics Officer, and helped formulate policies and procedures for the agency. In October 2017, she was promoted to Deputy Chief Procurement Officer, where she played a critical role in overseeing OCP's operations across various government sectors.
Ms. Hapeman holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Rochester and a Juris Doctor from The George Washington University. She is also a graduate of the Center for Excellence in Municipal Management at The George Washington University. In July 2000, she participated in the prestigious Senior Executives in State and Local Government Program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
Ms. Hapeman is a proud longtime resident of the District of Columbia.