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Office of Contracting and Procurement

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About OCP

The DC Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP), under the direction of the Chief Procurement Officer, was established by DC law in 1997 and provides contracting services for selected agencies and offices in the District. The mission of OCP is to partner with vendors and District agencies to purchase quality goods and services in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost while ensuring that all purchasing actions are conducted fairly and impartially.

OCP manages the purchase of $5.7 billion in goods, services and construction annually, on behalf of over 79 District agencies. In its authority under the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010 (PPRA), OCP is responsible for both establishing procurement processing standards that conform to regulations and monitoring the effectiveness of procurement service delivery. Procurement processing and management is executed by procurement professionals who are assigned to agency worksites to directly collaborate with program staff throughout the entire procurement process. OCP core services include the DC Supply Schedule, Purchase card (P-Card) program, and the surplus property disposition and re-utilization program. OCP’s learning and certification programs support on-going development of staff proficiency and procurement service quality.

The DC Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP) is organized in to the following divisions:

Procurement procures goods and services on behalf of the agencies and programs under OCP’s authority according to District laws and regulations. The procurement staff is organized into the following units:  

  • Government Operations
  • Public Safety and Citywide Acquisitions
  • Education
  • Health Services
  • Human Services
  • Transportation Infrastructure
  • Information Technology
  • Department of Public Work and Energy and Environment

The Office of the General Counsel provides legal services to the procurement staff including: legal advice, litigation support to the Office of the Attorney General, responds to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, draft regulations and legislation 

The Operations Division, led by the Chief Operating Officer, manages the following functions:

  • The Office of Procurement Integrity & Compliance (OPIC) conducts internal audits and reports its findings to various stakeholders within the agency; serves as the primary lead for OCP in support of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and Single Audit; and performs operational assessments of procurement processes and functions for agencies and teams under the authority of the District’s Chief Procurement Officer.
  • The Strategy and Performance Management team develops policies and procedures to help employees and other stakeholders work toward common goals, establish intended outcomes/results, and adjust the organization’s priorities in response to a changing environment
  • The Communications and Engagement team is the agency’s central hub of information for OCP’s key stakeholders including customer agencies, Council, the business community, and District residents.

The Human Resources Division provides human resource management services to attract, develop and retain a well-qualified and diverse workforce.

The Procurement Technology Division provides technical and consultative support to agencies, vendors and OCP contracting staff, while preserving data integrity and advancing the agency’s transparency efforts. The IT team manages the Procurement Automated Support System (PASS) and general IT needs of the OCP staff, vendors, and customer agencies. 

The Learning and Development Division facilitates general procurement education and the District Procurement Certification Program (DPCP), as required by the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010 (PPRA). This division operates the Procurement Training Institute, which provides: a District-focused procurement competency model designed to assure the right acquisition outcomes for the District, a procurement training strategy tailored to the needs of the District’s procurement professionals, a procurement library, and cost and price analysis support to contracting officers.

Business Resources and Support Services provides a wide range of mission-critical services to OCP divisions and the agency’s customers. This division executes agency acquisitions, maintains facilities including risk management, and administers the OCP fleet management program. Further, this division manages the District’s property disposal program, and in collaboration with OCP’s Procurement Division, coordinates acquisition efforts during declared emergencies. This division includes the following two activities:  

  • Surplus Property provides surplus property management, re-utilization, and disposal services to District agencies; and
  • Support Services provides agency acquisition services and facilities management; coordinates acquisition efforts during declared emergencies; manages transportation assets designated for District surplus activities; and administers OCP’s record management program.

OCP is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm The office is located at One Judiciary Square, 441 4th Street, NW, Suite 330 South. The main phone number for the agency is (202) 727-0252. 

For assistance with the Procurement Automated Support System (PASS) and general inquiries, please use our webform at