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Office of Contracting and Procurement

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Campaign Finance Reform Amendment Act Compliance

Friday, December 9, 2022

This notice is to provide additional information to all vendors who have or are seeking contracts with the District of Columbia (District) that the Campaign Finance Reform Amendment Act of 2018 (CFRAA) (D.C. Law 22-250; D.C. Official Code § 1-1001.03 et seq) went into effect on November 9, 2022 and a recent amendment to the law was approved December 8, 2022. The law prohibits District contractors that are seeking or that hold contracts with a cumulative value of over $250,000 from making certainpolitical contributions to candidates for elected office. The law applies to certain political contributions made to campaigns for the 2024 election cycle and forward. The law does not apply to political contributions made to any campaign, inaugural, or transition committee organized in 2022.

The District is developing a platform to manage the requirements of the law. This platform will facilitate self-certification by District contractors to address the requirements of the law. In addition, note that regulations will be promulgated and available for public review and comment in the first quarter of 2023. A further communication will be provided when the regulations are available for public review and comment.

The Office of Contracting and Procurement will host two virtual information sessions on the law, proposed regulations, and the certification platform. The events will be held in January 2023. Additional information, including dates and how to signup, will be communicated in the coming weeks.

The current law and its requirements can be viewed via the following links: