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Office of Contracting and Procurement

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Business Spotlight: The Hamilton Group

Kay Hamilton, CEO

Tell us about your business…

"An entrepreneur for many years, I began pursuing business with the District as the Hamilton Group nearly ten years ago, initially providing promotional items, eventually expanding the scope of products and services provided, as well as the number of agencies with which I currently engage."

What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

"For the past eight years, I have enjoyed working with representatives from various District government agencies, reviewing their needs for supplies and services and negotiating with my vendors to meet the specific needs of the requisitioning agency. I find the exchange of specifications and the consequent development of proposals, and in some instances, prototypes to be very stimulating. The design and production of agency apparel, inclusive of jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts and t shirts. Working with Department of Parks and Recreation staff has been particularly gratifying."


How many contracts have you been awarded using the CBE program?

“The Hamilton Group has been given many opportunities to provide our products and services to various agencies. From the results of our commitment to excellence, we have secured double digit opportunities , and look forward to many more.” 

Do you have any tips to share with vendors new to doing business with the District?

"My suggestion to vendors that want to do business with the District is to be certain that they register their business with the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD.) They should also familiarize themselves with the District's procurement policies and regulations, starting with the DC Office of Contracting & Procurement. It is also important to know the DC government agencies that generate their own requisitions (DC Housing Authority; Office of the Deputy Mayor for Economic Development; DC Department of Transportation).

One must be committed to doing the research necessary to identify the individuals in DC government agencies where there are viable business opportunities consistent with the goods and services offered; be prepared to make timely responses to requests for proposals; be patient, pleasantly persistent and diligent about providing satisfactory fulfillment of the award."