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Cleaning Supplies - Sustainable Specification Solicitation Documents

Specification Guidance

Provides scope, specification language, background, benefits, and relevance to District environmental and sustainability laws and goals.

Statement of Work Guidance

Provides environmental solicitation language and guidance for all relevant sections of a statement of work.

Small Purchase Attachment

Contains environmental requirements. Please either include this document as an attachment to small purchase solicitations/ request for quotations or incorporate specification language directly into solicitation requirements.

Request for Quote Template

Excel template pre-populated with environmental specification requirements for office supplies. Use is optional.

Contractor Report Template

Excel template pre-populated with environmental specification reporting requirements for cleaning supplies. While contractor Environmentally Preferable Products and Services (EPPS) reporting is required, use of the EPPS reporting template is optional.

Product Category Webinar Slides

PowerPoint presentation for product category webinar. Provides detailed overview of the specification and its benefits; cost, performance; and availability; and options for including more aggressive environmental attributes in a solicitation